Visit Iceland

Take advantage of our special reduced rate EUR offer and save on all regularly scheduled day tours booked and taken until December 20 2008.

The Icelandic travel industry is stable and its future is strong, especially now that it has become more affordable to travel to Iceland after the decrease in the value of the Icelandic krona.

The Icelandic airlines insure safe and regular transportation to and from Iceland from both Europe and North America.

For more information, visit and

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Iceland Excursions – Gray Line Iceland sales team through email at or call us at +354 540 1313.

For further information, please check out our website at

Customers calling from Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States can call us using our local numbers as follows:

Denmark (6991 8130)
United Kingdom (20 8099 3066)
United States (212 796 5596)


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