Able Magazine Announces the Able Ratings Awards

Not only does Able Magazine provide a disability forum, entertainment, news and articles dealing with disabled issues but it has launched its very own Able Ratings Awards.

Over their 15 years of being in published, Able has become one of the most trusted and respected sources for support within the disabled community. And now with their Ratings Awards, the disability magazine judges items, such as mobility aids, that are commonly used by people living with disabilities, offering much more than any other disability magazine. The Able rating enable reader to find out what type of products are available and allows people to see the benefits and drawbacks of them.

The criteria that the featured disability equipment is judged upon comes under five main areas including value, function, form, innovation, and desirability. Each criterion is marked out of five, with an overall product score derived from the average of those scores.

So for the best information on disabilities Able magazine has it all. And with these new Ratings Awards, it is certainly a cut above the rest.

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