innovate_picAn Online Industry Resource for Active Packaging Solutions

Buffalo, NY; April 6, 2009 – Multisorb Technologies, the global leader in active packaging technology, today announced the launch of its new website, A comprehensive online resource for active packaging solutions, the new website provides in-depth information on how companies can address the protective packaging needs of their products to keep them fresh and stable, and extend shelf life.

Visitors to the site can access the latest company news and a host of educational articles and white papers. The website also offers a detailed description of Multisorb’s portfolio of advanced active packaging technologies and systems solutions for the markets it serves, including healthcare, food and beverage, electronics and transport.

The website features a dynamic, yet clean look with a range of simple menus and tabs that allow for easier navigation. A particularly useful aspect is the market-specific navigation option, which makes it easy for customers and prospects find solutions that are relevant to their business.

“The new website is a reflection of Multisorb’s customer-centric focus and has been designed with the needs of our global customers in mind,” says James V. Renda, executive vice president and COO, Multisorb Technologies. “Every effort has been made to ensure the site is populated with information pertinent to our customers’ active packaging requirements.”
