The actor was in Iceland shooting scenes for the upcoming film Noah, directed by Darren Aronofsky. Crowe‘s visit didn‘t go unnoticed as he was tweeting on a regular basis about his whereabouts and daytime activities on the island, which he described as a “very special place, pleasant and breathtaking”.
When not on the Noah film set, Russell Crowe seemed to have spent most of his free time working out at the gym in Reykjavik or hiking in the south of Iceland. The physical exercise could explain the actor’s “addiction” to Skyr – a dairy product similar to strained yogurt made exclusively in Iceland from organic cow’s milk.
Skyr is ideal for active people as a supplement for a healthy lifestyle due to its high protein and low fat content. The centuries old Icelandic yogurt, which is regarded as a national treasure by many, certainly contributes to making Icelanders the people in Europe with the longest lifespan.
To purchase Skyr outside of Iceland, and to find out more, visit
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