Pipar\TBWA launches initiative to offer free meals for Ukrainian refugees in Iceland

Pipar\TBWA launches initiative to offer free meals for Ukrainian refugees in Iceland

Icelandic advertising agency Pipar\TBWA has launched an initiative offering free meals to Ukrainian refugees between 18:00 and 20:00 Monday to Thursday at its premises located in the country’s capital, Reykjavík.

Iceland’s food industry is also joining the initiative to help provide meals. Pipar\TBWA’s Chairman of the Board, Valgeir Magnússon, explains, “I have talked to most of the wholesalers in the country and no one has said no to me.” KFC supplied the initial dinner.

The initiative was set up as a collaboration between Valgeir Magnússon and Dr. Sveinn Rúnar Sigurðsson, who is hosting two refugees that escaped the Ukraine conflict. Talking about how it started, Magnússon explains, “I was at Sveinn’s house yesterday where he had a full house of women and children from Ukraine, which got me thinking about how I could help.”

Magnússon explains that the goal is to create a sanctuary where people can come and communicate and share their experiences. As well as provide a space for Ukrainian families already living in Iceland to connect with those relocating to the county.

A number of clothing items are also regularly donated to the Pipar\TBWA premises, providing clean and warm clothes for those in need.

Valgeir Magnusson
Valgeir Magnússon

The Pipar\TBWA premises is located Guðrúnartún 8 in downtown Reykjavik, with meals offered between 18:00 and 20:00 Monday to Thursday.

For further information on the initiative, as well as Iceland’s efforts to help Ukrainians in need, can be found here.
